A Wonderful Dream

Hello My Sweet Baby Kitten Delilah,
I have had some scary times lately, times when I was extremely sad. I have also had physical things happen. Something is wrong with my body and I know that if I don't do something different I will die. Not figuratively, I don't have the tendency towards drama Mommy does. When I was really scared and depressed and the fear of death was augmented considerably.

What really sucks about this is that when I think of you I get sad, really sad. I miss you so, so much. thinking of you sends me on s spiral of despair. That's not fair. I love you and I want to be able to think about you and remember you and celebrate the time you were in my life and how much I love you.

That's why I don't write to you very often frankly, that and a touch of my standard Daddy lameness. Sometimes it's just to much, I start sobbing and I can't do anything much less write.

There is some good news. In the past week I have felt good, happy almost. Last night I had a dream that you were sort hanging around my lower back like a fanny pack. I noticed you were there and pick you up and held you in front of my face. We were so happy to see each other. I set you on your feet on the table and be butted our foreheads together as I scratched your sides. There was so much love kitten. I could feel how much you miss me and you could feel how much I miss you but it wasn't sad, there was only love, there was only you and me.

Please visit me in my dreams kitten, I'll throw treat treats for you or maybe we could talk. How wonderful that would be. I don't care how, just do what you can to make it to me. I will do what I can to make it to you.

I love you my precious sweet baby kitten,



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