#8 Another Cat, but not really

My Dear Sweet Baby Kitten,
I miss you. I miss you every day. Sometimes I see a shape on the floor and I think it's you. the other day I thought I saw a cat walk down the hallway past a door I was near.

We have moved, we live in a different place now. The apartment where you grew up and spent nearly all of you life is now occupied by strangers. Sometimes I worry that somehow you will be looking for us there and find us gone.

Please find us kitten. Let the light of my heart that loves you so dearly be your beacon. I don't want you to be lost and I don't want to be without you. I need your spirit here with me, at least to say hello sometimes.

Mommy had a dream about you and that you spoke to her. You told her in heaven they let you do whatever you want. I like that. I like thinking you can do whatever you want. I hope, like in her dream that involves coming to see us sometimes.

I hope you don't mind but we have befriended a cat. He doesn't live with us (our house does not allow cats--though I think that spirit cats are okay. His name is Dexter. Mommy says you sent him to us to keep us company, but I know better. You would never send us another cat, because you are absolutely the only cat we should ever need, and I agree.

You'd hate Dexter, but you'd hate any cat. He's pretty typical I guess. He had an accident and there's a patch on his back where he has not hair. I would never let him know, or even Audra, but I find this kinda gross and try to pet him other places.

We give him treat treats out on the front steps, which may be the only reason he's our friend, though I do give him feel-good rubs too. He does not have your talent nor playfulness and does not chase the treat treats like you did. Oh would I love to play that game with you now. the floors here are all slippery like the kitchen was so I would laugh at you skidding around, running into things because you couldn't slow down in time...

Oh bitch please, you would laugh just as hard if it were me in such follies so spare me the pouting.

The point is that I really miss you and I love you still with all my heart. You have been, and always will be my dearest little baby kitten and I tried to relish every moment I had with you.

Have fun wherever you are, please visit me in my dreams when you can.




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