#7 Big Changes Big Ocean

My Dear Sweet Baby Kitten,
Our home, the only one you have ever known, the one I have lived in for the past 19 years, will no longer be ours in about 25 days.

It occurs to me that since the apartment building was built in 1988 and we moved in 10 years later That we have lived there longer than anyone. Since you were almost always home and outlived all our other cats, you hold the distinction of being the living creature to have spent more hours in that apartment than any other living being.


Maybe I'll leave a brass plaque inscribed with your auspicious honor. It'll totally be worth my security deposit.

In this case, it might be better that you are no longer among us. You would not like what is about to happen, and for that matter the holders of our lease would not like you. It's in writing: "No pets!"

Sorry, no offense, some property owners are just haters man.

It is a smaller place, one less room. There is a garage, but you would not have had access to it. There is a possibility you could have gone outdoors and roamed the world, but I would have worried about you and all that could happen. You were never much for going outside anyway when given the opportunity.  It is near the ocean, only a mile away. I could walk there quite easily and ride a bicycle even more easily. The car would be easy to take, but a finding a place to park it is not as easy and not always free.

I imagine what you would have thought of the ocean. Freaked out no doubt. The more I think about it I am convinced that the beach is the absolute cat apocalypse! It is very bright and open, there's no place to hide, nothing to climb, dogs frequently patrol the area, and what's worse is that it is entirely bordered on one side with water. This is not just any water. It is endless, it is cold, it's so salty you can't even drink it and worst of all it chases you! The beach is one giant litter box, which could in itself be amazing for you, but I suspect you would hate walking on the hot dry sand after just a few steps, and the cold wet sand would be it's own little misery as well.

This move to near the ocean all happened rather quickly once we started the wheels moving. My job used to be kind-of far away then, as you may remember, I started coming home earlier and smelling like a different kind of place, an older, more musty kind of place. That was Hollywood Center Studios. Not too long after you left us I started working at the far place again, Youtube Space LA and once again I was coming home later and more tired after being in the car for a long time.

Our thought, Mommy and I, was that we would spend the summer looking for a place to live that was closer to YouTube so I could come home sooner and be less tired when I got there. Soon after we started looking with our computers Mommy found several places, but other people claimed them before we could so she kept looking.

Soon we found a place we liked so much that we went to see it in person. We decided we would try to claim it, but we hesitated because they wanted us to move in too soon and we couldn't get out of our place, the one you know so well, in time and I didn't want to pay for both at once. Our hesitation caused us to loose the place, but the man who was renting it told me there was another that would be available in about 20 days. It was exactly like the first place.

Mommy and I talked about it and decided that even though only I had seen the place and only in pictures that we would go for it! Last Friday I took a break from work and wrote a very large check. A check that would had purchased cat food and litter for two-thirds of your lifetime. Mommy was very nervous about that check, but I knew it would be okay. I drove to Hermosa Beach where the rental guy was and handed him the check along with our paw prints on some papers to make promises like we would pay them money each month and not wreck the place. They put their paw prints on it too to promise that we could stay there and they would fix things that break.

Then, instead of just going back to work, I bought a burrito and walked out to the pier. I sat on a bench and looked at the waves and the sea gulls and the people on the beach. I looked North to the area where we will live, and I was happy. Maybe for the first time since we lost you.

I'd like to think that where you are now there is an ocean and beaches and that it is not terrifying. That you run and play with the waves and your new friends, the dogs. That once you've had you fill of play and running and well, swimming, why not, that you will curl up on the warm sand and sleep only the way a cat can sleep.

Your ashes are already packed away in a box, ready to be moved with us, but I know that's not really you. We will be very sad to leave this place, there are so many memories, so many memories of you. We must move on though. There will be new memories in our new place. When I go from our new home to the beach, which I hope to do often, I will bring you with me in spirit. The way I do everywhere I go.


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