#4 What Was Up With Emily and Lance?

My Dearest Baby Kitten,
There will come a time when these letters are not just me trudging through my grief of losing you, but grief will be done with me when it's done. From what it feels like, that time may be a ways off.

Let's reminisce a bit though to keep the mood from growing too dark.

When I brought you home from Mississippi I was given a ride to the airport by the director of the movie I was working on and his girlfriend (I think), Lance and Emily. It was at least an hour's drive from Vicksburg to Jackson. While in the car, I was on the phone to Delta Airlines to find out just how I would fly with you. As it turns out they just wanted more money. In Cincinnati for my final leg home to LA they wanted a bit more for an "approved pet carrier".  I got to know them just a bit on that car ride. I hadn't had much contact with them during the shoot. They seemed pretty nice from what I remember, though my focus was almost exclusively on you and how I was going to get you home.

Anyway, the reason that I brought up Emily and Lance is that a about a week after I had you home they showed up one day, both of them at the apartment. I don't remember if there was another reason for the visit, but it was clear to me their goal was to check on you.

This has bothered me over the years. Why did they feel the need to drive to my place together and pay you a visit? I wasn't close with them during shooting or since. Did they want to be sure I hadn't sold you to medical experiments Did they need to assure themselves that I wasn't bringing you into terrible a home with 21 other cats, that?

Did I leave them with some sort of impression that I would not be a good daddy?

Or maybe you weren't abandoned as I assumed you were. Maybe Lance and Emily had heard from their hosts at the hotel, both a crew hotel and a shooting location for the film, that some little girl was heart broken over their kitten and did they know of anyone on their crew that found a cat. Perhaps they came to take you away and lost their nerve when they say us together.

One could go crazy wondering about this. Perhaps you have all these answers now, and you'll tell me one day. I guess, short term, it's more likely I'll run into Lance or Emily, though all I have anymore is their IMDB pages, nearly as empty and unaccomplished as my own.

I'm done wondering about it for now. I guess the important thing is that whatever their motives, I got to keep you for the rest of your life and I am so very grateful for every day I got to feed you and hold you in my lap.  I was able to keep you through all the disasters that you managed to chew up all your nine lives over 15 years.

But that's another letter we'll have fun with later.

Till then, I love you as always my sweet baby kitten.

Your big feeder lap, and thrower of treat-treats,



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