
Showing posts from March, 2018

10. Just Miss You

I don't how else to say it, I miss you. Your absence hurts, sometimes more than others. I don't even think of it all the time, but your not being in this world anymore is a constant ache that I will never be without entirely. I yearn for you spirit your presence, your love. A lot of people say cats don't really love, only manipulate for their own interests. That's true enough with a lot of cats and you laid down that hand yourself occasionally, as we all do. "Dogs, now that's true love," some say, "such devotion and loyalty!" Well they got that last part right. What so many people don't recognize is that what they see as love is really dependance. A dog's self worth and identity is so tied up in pleasing their master that there is not capacity for real love as I see it. It's adoration for the weak human egos than need it as desperately as the dogs need to fulfill it. It's not a bad match, but love it ain't. Cats won't