
Showing posts from May, 2017

#6 The Worst Days

My Sweet Baby Kitten, I miss you. I miss your soft warm fur, the vibration of your purring under my hand. I miss your banshee wail when I got out the treat treats or in the middle of the night for seemingly no reason at all. I miss your bitter sweetness and your iron-clad vulnerability, in other words I miss the contradiction, the enigma that you embodied. I miss seeing you sleeping, or wondering where you're sleeping, but knowing you're there somewhere. Now I know you are not anywhere and this leaves a little hole in my life. This hole will never get smaller, but it may get less noticeable. I neither welcome this, nor fight it. It is the course of life. Some days are good, many average and unremarkable, some bad. I've hanve not had many really horrible days, but there are always some. Letsee... The day when I was around 10 that they started me on Ritalin and I had a such bad reaction I wished to be out of my body. The Day Annette Turner, a girl I was infatuated with i...